24th - 25th June Cotswolds Ultra Challenge

22nd of July - 24th of July Lodge-Fest in Bath

We are always looking for ways to raise funds for our projects and other great charities. We last raised £10,000 for the Royal Marsden Cancer charity.

We host our own events where you can find an array of work from other great people we support from comedians, musicians and other creatives to health coaches and athletes. So keep an eye out for our up and coming events.

We also do a variety of challenges to entertain people and push our self’s. Harvey will be attempting to be the first person to complete an ultra marathon while receiving chemo on the 24th-25th of June 2023.

We aim to climb mountains and host more rugby games. If you have any ideas or want to take part please contact Harvey.(Harvey@makingmygrassgreener.com)

Make a donation.

We rely on your support to keep all our projects running. please visit our shop to see if there are any products you like?

If you just want to do something positive today then why not make a donation. Just £10 will feed 10 people.


The only currency is time, spend it wisely.

Here at MMGG we believe in making memories. Time is the currency we use and we aim to make as many positive memories as possible, for as many people as possible.

We want to be a ‘Robin Hood’ company where we create good products and experiences for those who can afford them and redistribute the wealth amongst those who need it the most. Giving them positive memories of their own. By doing this we aim to inspire and develop ideas to create a sustainable, ethical, brighter future.

Come and join us and keep an eye out for our events here.



Filming Nemo