We believe in sharing so here are all the people that deserve credit for one thing or another.

Meet the team

  • Lea Mealing - marketing director

    Lea is a student at the University of Nottingham. She studies Marketing and French, she has joined the team in 2023 to help with our marketing strategy and social media. Her work has been incredible and now I have finished treatment in 07/23 we can really get to work together and make 2023 our year.

    Contact Lea at - lea@makingmygrassgreener.com

  • Atlas Audio

    Working along side MMGG is Atlas audio, run by Julian who is in a band of his own, Echorec.

    Julian and his team help us with bespoke compositions to accompany our videos, they also help us with all our sound tech requirements and anything else sound related, even helping us with our shopping list.

    Also hosting Lodgefest music festival raising lots of money for altzheime’s research they are good people too and we are really happy to be working with them. Content and our podcast coming soon

    Check them out at @AtlasaudioUK

  • Julie Burnett - creative director

    I have n incredibly supportive mother who has been involved from the begging, She is our creative Director, responsible for our clothing line and all things creative. Her artistic talent is unreal and her passion to help others is always at the forefront.

    She has adopted a supporting role in many aspects including during my treatment. the ultra marathon and everything in between.

    Thanks Mum!!!

    Please see our photo gallery if you would like to see her work and get bespoke t-shirts from out store.

Supporting roles

  • The Royal Marsden

    The world leading cancer research hospital and the one that saved my life. It feels like home in a weird way (even though COVID stops me going back).

    The NHS in general deserves a shout out but specifically for me the Marsden. Dr. Chisholm was my specialist and was incredible throughout, so were all my nurses and doctors. (sorry there are too many to name)

    I will always do what I can for them and will continue to raise money and awareness. Please have a gander at their charity page.

  • Teenage Cancer Trust

    They have helped me a lot during and post treatment, helping with motivation and allowing me to look forward even in the darkest times.

    Post treatment they have given me opportunities to do public speaking and have helped put me in contacts with lots of useful people and I am proud to still work with them.

    Check out the interview they helped arrange for Hidden Strength !!!!

    I will continue to work closely with them and i am forever grateful for what they have done for me. Link below

  • Emily Ash Trust

    I have worked with Emily Ash for a long time having done many a sporting event for them as a teenager.

    So to receive support from them in hospital seemed strange but great to see friendly faces. The work they do is incredible its all about spreading positivity. They help provide great experiences and put smiles on faces for sick children and young adults.

    Hopefully big things in the pipeline between us!!!

  • Climate Care

    We do our best to be carbon neutral. While all our practices are not always perfect we endeavour to be better all the time and we take as many steps as possible to be good to the planet.

    Regularly offsetting our emissions using their services. Its only £8.50 to offset one tonne of carbon…. Why not have a look for yourself?

  • Support

    Friends and family thank you so much for your support! Without you guys we could do nothing so please continue to support us and join in where you can.

    Obviously my Rugby league family always showing support as well.

    I am so excited to be on this path with so many good people around me, lets make some memories!!