Run by William Pearce-Biney.

Our community outreach in Ghana.

I met William through Rugby and his passion for it. We talked for a long while before we started working together. At first it was fixing up his fathers taxi so he could go back to work and now it is running the Africa department of MMGG.

William plays for the National Ghana rugby teams in rugby and feeds the homeless regularly with the help of his friends and family. Over 400 people have been fed in Accra this month! William is also travelling to villages and reporting back to us about what is needed in the area and ways in which we could help long term. Watch this space big things coming……


  • We want to thank A1 diesel for their ongoing support and contributions to our community projects in Accra, we have been able improve the running of it and the volume of food produced.

  • We are also now looking into supporting the rugby teams over there and facilitate extra training and potentially facilitate exchanges in the future

  • William is now looking to set up a drinks business with the investment from the Pavers Foundation in an attempt to make the community projects self sustaining.

We have also spoken with the head of Cameroon RL and hope to sponsor some projects out there in the coming months.

MMGG has already sponsored some individuals and hopes to unveil the projects soon!


Filming Nemo


Eco Fashion